From the Top

I Don’t Much Like Attack Ads…

(So What’s with Our Current Ad Campaign?)

Joe Slattery, VP of Marketing

Joe Slattery, VP of Marketing

Attack ads. Nobody really likes them, and it never has been my philosophy that you make yourself look better by tearing others down. Yet, at first blush, some of our current ads  look like they’re taking a swipe at banks. What’s the deal?

Our goal is to differentiate ourselves from the banks. Like it or not, research shows that a large number of consumers consider banks and credit unions the same thing. Now, we could have gone the normal route and tried to explain that credit unions are member owned, not for profit, and believe in “People Helping People.” And that sounds good, but it doesn’t translate well.

The problem is those types of sweeping statements were made by other financial institutions in the past; and they weren’t true. You have to admit, lines like …”Strong, Friendly, Helpful”……..“Our Customers Count”…….and……… “Helping You Build a Better Tomorrow” sound pretty lame coming from banks in light of what happened in the industry in the last year. Greed has ruled, and the taxpayer has suffered. So even if we are not-for-profit and exist to serve our members, the consumer has become jaded to the point they don’t believe anything.

So what approach to use? We decided to go very different than traditional financial ads. We are attempting, humorously, at pointing out the difference between credit unions and banks. Our goal is not to besmirch the banks reputation, but to make non-members aware that there are other options. And you can’t do that without comparisons. You may notice a number of the ads promote credit unions in general, not just Pioneer.

Pioneer has always tried to be a different type of place. Normal financial ads typically have some stereotype like “Mom and dad and the 2 kids walking down a beautiful exotic beach, with a golden sunset, probably humming “We are the World.” This is not the type of world our average member lives in, at least I don’t.

And the real questions boils down to which type of commercial you remember: One that gently pokes fun at a situation -or- one where you’re told how wonderful the product or company is.

So instead we try and show a difference, with a touch of reality, and have a good time doing it. Feedback?

Joe Slattery


  1. Za said

    I hate the ads. Waste of money. I’m sick of them…

  2. Sara said

    I worked at banks and credit unions a number of years so I like the fact you guys are stepping outside the norm (aka boring) of financial institution advertising.

    I do though wonder why you reference a tagline from a bank that has not been around for about 15 years in comparison to a current day economic situation. They in fact did stay true to “Strong.Friendly.Helpful” and their customers, and like many other community banks, can not be fairly lumped into the financial upheaval of some of the larger bank conglomerates. Most of these NE WI area community banks are not corrupt in any way and did not mistreat/mislead their customers. And the banks that credit unions tend to mainly compete with are the community banks, not these big banks. Much different customer focus. It’s too bad so many of the community banks have been eaten up by the big boys, some of which could have had some borderline unethical practices (as we’ve seen in the news).

    I must say that I like being free of the fee-driven institutions, but they do have to make a profit, just like any company. And many of the community banks aren’t as focused on them so it doesn’t affect a regular customer much. The credit unions do have some advantages for sure. And they do get some ‘breaks’ which make it hard for the honest community banks to compete with.

    Nonetheless, I don’t make my banking decision on whether or not it is a bank or credit union, as in many ways, there are quite a bit of parallels, but what solutions, location and service best fits my need. Great advertising effort, and love that you are on Twitter!

  3. Jane said

    I for one love the new ads, I like the beat of the music and it is fun to read the ads rather than someone telling you how great it is at their financial institution. Many of the large banks do that and I agree we now know that their bottom line is their primary interest. I have had accounts at Wells Fargo who charged fees for everything, even a VA home loan that was ridiculous. I switched back to Pioneer and couldn’t be happier with the services. I am all for the credit unions of America standing up to greedy banks. Thank you Pioneer Credit Union what you have done for the area.

  4. Pauline Johns said

    I like the new ads, they show a sense of humor. For anyone offended, they just don’t have a sense of humor or they are frustrated that we are right and they are wrong. I love that…being right…all the time…LOL Polly

  5. Humor is always the best way to point out your competitors drawbacks…but do it in a classy way. At least in the eye of the customer (not sure the banks will see it that way). The truth is, its funny because its true! If you were suggesting things that were simply false, your audience would pick up on that and the brand would likely suffer.

    In your approach, you are being very tactful and likely winning some new business out of respect for your creativity!

  6. i have been a CU member since 1971 ( 1995 with PCU) i am pleased with the differences between banks and CU’s Clark Howard is a big promoter of CU’s

    Go ahead and let the rest of the world in our our “secret” anyway you want. Rich

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